
The Mediaeval Knights
of London

Welcome to chivalry today
The Order of Mediaeval Knights of London

This is a 21st century movement founded as a collection of selfless people world-wide who have promised, in accepting membership, to practise and uphold the fundamental tenets of age-old chivalry. Those principles were to honour, defend and succour the weak; MKL is dedicated to applying those same rules of conduct in current society. The motto by which the Order exists, and is growing across two continents, is

We Strive to Serve

There are tens of thousands of deserving people – old, young, men, women, girls, boys – in the UK alone, who need help to overcome disability, deprivation and the uncaring oversight by society. All that results in lives of need, want, and a lack of loving care.

If you share these anxieties about the less fortunate in society, and want to know how you, even in a modest way, can became part of an international movement devoted to the charity of chivalry for the weak and needy, follow the links and learn more about who we are, what we do – and why (and how) we do it.

Thank you for visiting our Home Page. We hope your interest has been aroused and that we shall have further contact –